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La Confrérie des Compagnons Goustevin de Normandie
Ewen Weatherspoon Photographer, Inverness,
Picture by: Ewen Weatherspoon Photographer, Inverness,

Latest 2024 / 2025 Events Just Announced

Don't miss dates and details of our Upcoming Events, Tastings and our new Goustevin Supper Club !

Visit our Coming Soon Page. for more information.

Goustevin ~ 13th Grand Chapitre ~ May 2024

Wines of the Southern Rhône Valley

Given the range of tastings Goustevin Scotland have enjoyed over the years, it came as a surprise to find that we had last visited the South of France in 1986. A return visit was therefore long overdue, so the Southern Rhône valley was selected to accompany dinner at the Loch Ness Country House Hotel.

You can read Ormond's report here.

Rouen, Normandy, awarded UNESCO City of Gastronomy Status

Rouen, Normandy’s principal city, has been named ‘UNESCO City of Gastronomy’.
It is the first city in France to be recognised for its creativity in the field of gastronomy. Alongside 48 other cities around the world, in November 2021, Rouen was awarded for its outstanding gastronomy as well as creativity and progress in sustainable urban development.

Click here for the full story.

Inverness Wine Appreciation Society celebrates 50 Years Anniversary

GOUSTEVIN Scotland members were well represented at the 50th Birthday Banquet Top Table of Inverness Wine Appreciation Society.

In the photo (L-R): Jean Slater, Duncan Chisholm, Christina Cameron, Ormond Smith and Caroline Duncan with guest speaker Philippe Larue. There were other Goustevin Scotland members also present; many are members of both societies.


Sadly, our Connetable Nicol Manson (who founded IWAS in 1970) was unable to be present in person, however, Coul House Hotel kindly organised a Google-Meet online streaming and Nicol was able to address the 50+ guests on the founding of the society and the social and drinking habits that influenced the wine market of the time.

There then followed an excellent meal with accompanying fine wines at each course. IWAS President Christina Cameron (our Maitre de Palais) and IWAS Past Presidents Duncan Chisholm and Ormond Smith (both Conseil Magistral members) cut a suitably decorated Birthday cake.

Goustevin Scotland Livre d'Or

When the Goustevin, or as it was known in those days, the “Confrerie des Compagnons Haut-Normands du Goustevin”, was instigated, each Chapitre was marked by the creation of Livre d’Or, a page which listed all new inductees and those who gained promotion. This continued for many years, each page being laboriously hand drawn in absolutely magnificent calligraphy by Denise Goulon. Sadly, this practice is no longer done and the Conseil in Scotland have decided to create a Scottish Livre d’Or, recording Scottish members from 1973 to the present day. Why not have a browse, find your own entries and cast your memories back to the occasion?

Click on the red book cover to open the full Scottish Edition.

You can also view examples of two pages from the original Livre to see the original calligraphy work.

Livre d'Or



Many congratulations to a couple of our hotelier/ restaurateur members who have recently won major awards and recognition for their businesses.

Obituary Michel Goulon

It is with great sadness we announce the unexpected death of Michel Goulon, Grand Connetable 1987 - 2008, who sadly passed away on 3 June 2020.



BBC Interviews Goustevin Scotland Members


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